Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Getting Started

Good Morning Bloggers,

I’m back on the floor again sitting comfortably on my purple prop chair and drawing in my morning tea. Yes, I like Starbucks too, but earl grey is my staple for making mornings come alive. I’ve committed to writing at least a little each day, here – not the thousand words a day of summer writers’ bootcamp, and maybe not the three hundred Max suggested, but enough to keep my writing mind agile and my lap warm :-).

It’s really been fun and exciting to meet the bloggers who’ve dropped by since I opened the door yesterday. I’ve been doing a little tracking around myself and have been very pleased (and amazed) at what I’ve seen so far. Puzzled, too, I might add – some sites out there have appeared anomalous on first glance, but they, soon, may become more familiar to me. As you may have gathered from my first blog, I like traveling to places unknown and hostelling there until I have full grokking.

But then, I have to be honest – or at least, realistic – I will never come to the place of fully grokking nations such as N.E.R.D., one of the blogs on the board of note. *sigh* Isn’t that the distress, though, that figures on the other side of pleasure’s coin for those of us who are first scouts on an uncharted course, and then messengers delivering the goods back at the campfire? Always a little twinge of pain that comes from the withholding of what we cannot understand or verbalize when the time comes to report back—comprenez?

Well, I’ve given a preliminary (and really short) summary to my family and a few friends I think might venture into this territory to witness my effort here. (Who knows, they may also find they’re pulled to explore beyond my pages! – or even begin their own – great gawd!) I think I’m going to like this, so I’ll have to be sure and thank Max for recommending it. This is both a venue for self-expression and an opportunity for nesting on small eggs of creativity, at the same time as meeting, greeting, and warming to others having a similar experience. Much more fruitful than just journaling…

Have a good day, my new fellow travelers!


Andy said...

Hi from South Africa!

Lisa said...

Earl Grey with cream...about the shade of the moon. Add a little sugar and it's as sweet as it gets. Sippin' and gazin' ...gazin' and sippin' Peaceful.
I'm not a writer.. can ya' tell : )
By the way, you've made us into pressed coffee junkies.
I've saved your blog to my favorites and will try to check in weekly. School's starting soon and that cuts out all my "self" time. Aug. 1, I turn into Mathchickadee.

In her own Voice said...

Hey Lisa,
Thanks for stopping by my blog (and jumping through the hoops to be able to comment!) That was sweet of you. I figured you'd be the one with the skills and determination to get "in" (sounds like moving in the Matrix, huh?) You may not like to write, but I know you like to read and are always looking for good "stuff" for your students. There's lots of "stuff" to find here!

okjimm said...

// like traveling to places unknown and hostelling there until I have full grokking.//

...blogging is like finding a tribe....and then exchanging ideas, thoughts, with other may sound silly....and it oft is....but there are so many links and information that is shared...tea is good.

In her own Voice said...

finding a tribe--not silly at all. Something I'm feeling the need for at this time. I look forward to my time here.

In her own Voice said...

info i needed from CL's blog:

If you log in and click on "new post" you'll get your blog post editing screen. Look for the little green world icon with the chain links in front of it. Highlight the text you want to link, click that world icon, and you'll get a popup box that you can paste your link in. And remember, if you don't remember what an icon stands for, hover your mouse pointer over it and it'll tell you what it is.

okjimm said...


and we all feel a need to belong.

just beware of the beggars and thieves. if you have a discerning mind...there shouldn't be a problem. I am a very obtuse 'cyber' person. I have not embraced techno-communication very well....but I have found some very genuine people ... the challenge is yours...deciding who is who and who is what. But it all beats watching shit on TV. The vistas that the real people offer very much out weigh the effort to dodge the crap. And it takes awhile to understand the genuine from the the bullshit. Just challenge yourself as you would challenge others. AnaB is a complex read....and I love her to death. Reading the past history can be very fun.....join.

singinghawk said...

yes, I agree with Jimm... we all feel the need to belong.

I have been blogging for 8 months now and have met many, many different people. Most just pass through briefly, while others, a few, stay for a while and "check in" with each other daily. It begins to feel like a little family. I wake-up in the morning and first thing I do is check my email. It is like Christmas morning for me. And to hear from the regulars every day -- seems to be a necessary part of my day. Our little cyberspace tribe -- light and easy and silly and happy. Although there are those who bring their baggage to bloggerville, and as Jimm says, it takes a little while to understand the genuine from the bullshit.

oh, and Jimm...I heard that... "I love her to death." :o) (kiss)

bye for now, in her own voice!

noisms said...

"It all beats watching TV on Vista"; well said, okjimm.

Truly interesting and readable blogs are rare, but searching for them is a lot more inspiring and expanding than watching 24.

Welcome to bloging, inherownvoice.