Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh, Brave New World

Well, it's been a while now since I've posted. The break I've taken turns out to be a matter of reorienting . A prime mover within me seems to be shifting towards a new focus, yet its image is elusive to my radar. The source of attraction seems to be moving, itself , as if seeking its own true North. The tension is vaguely felt on an unconscious level, but there is no visibility--I'm in the dark. These two are making a blind approach to their potential alignment. Will they come face to face? It's hard to say, although I keep getting glimpses of possible futures.

So much adjustment, so much patience required. Clarity awaits--it is an event in process, not wholly predictable, but at least, known for what it is--a change in the tides. It always makes me feel just a little better being able to acknowledge that big picture. Gives me just the smallest sense of control in this mighty process of sea change. "Oh, brave new world, who has it."


Jane Rutherford said...

Go with the flow.
That's the only advice I can give.

In her own Voice said...

Thanks for stopping by Miss Jane. Good advice--sometimes that's all you can do!

Jane Rutherford said...

that and offer endless ammounts of virtual hugs :)
